~section 2~
The Thousand Hail Marys are made in the form of a “super-rosary” reflectingabout all the mysteries of our salvation and with the blessing of peace that Our Lady communicated to Fr. Gobbi.
Prayer has great power! Therefore, it is necessary to pray a lot!
The “super-rosary” of the Thousand Hail Marys, plus sacrifices, leads to a day of intense prayer.
We are going to help Our Lady in this battle against evil, fighting with the prayer of the Thousand Hail Marys in the form of the “super-rosary”.
Each mystery consists of 1 Our Father, 50 Hail Marys, 1 Glory-to-the-Father.
We pray 20 mysteries distributed as follows: 20 times the Our Father, 20 times 50 Hail Marys, 20 times the Glory-to-the-Father and thus we recite the Thousand Hail Marys.
During the prayer of the Thousand Hail Marys, we must meditate on the Mysteries of the Rosary.